preservation n. 1.保存;保管;储藏;保护,防腐。 2.保持;维护。 the preservation of one's health 保持健康。 the preservation of peace 维护和平。 preservation from decay 防腐。 be in fair [poor] preservation 保存得好[不好]。
Electric - plating , polishing , chrome - metal production , pigment , medicine , catalyst , oxidant , wood preservation , etc 主要用于电镀抛光制金属铬制颜料医药强氧化剂触媒木材防腐等。
Electric - plating , polishing , chrome - metal production , pigment , medicine , catalyst , oxidant , wood preservation , etc 主要用于电镀、抛光、制金属铬、制颜料、医药、强氧化剂、触媒、木材防腐等。
Durability of wood and wood - based products . preservative - treated solid wood . part 3 : wood preservation performance and treatment certificate . adaptation to metropolitan france 木质和木基制品的耐久性.防腐剂处理过的实心木材.第3部分:木材防腐性能和处理证书.法国大都市适用
All measures that are taken to ensure a long life of wood fall under the definition wood preservation (timber treatment).